
Stroke 12

January 26, 2025
About 3pm 

It's about 3pm.  I'm at home bored while Boss is in the home office working.  Since my early morning stroke this morning from Stroke 11, I have been in somewhat of a horny mood.  

"Do I want to go out to That Park and get sucked?  Do I want to suck dick or do I just want to stay home and masturbate instead," I think to myself.

It has been quite some time when masturbation has been my main focus. 

I don't know what it is.  I am not sure if it's that I'm older now and my perspective on masturbation is different or if its that I am always so busy that bating has become more of a thing I do just to release so I can go on with my day in peace. 

I used to love masturbating.  I was never one to edge all day.  I never had the attention span for that. But I would stroke, beat my meat, maybe prance around in some sexy underwear in the mirror and really take in all the sexiness that was me.  And even though it wouldn't be an all day goon session, (maybe fifteen, twenty minutes; sometimes ten or five) it still was a great feeling. It would charge me up for seconds and even thirds.  

Although the sessions weren't long, I had a good amount of them throughout the day.  

Now it is more Wham! Got that out of the way.

Every since Boss and I have been home more post pandemic, having the apartment to do the things I used to are very limited.

I figured since I was horny I would go out, cruise, and get my dick sucked since my privacy to have a
bate day is damn near non existent these days

About 3:15pm

I drive down the long parking street where the cars are.  I drive until I get to the parked cars near the restroom.

There is a good looking Latino guy maybe in his early 30s in his car eyeing me.  I get out of my car and venture towards the restroom.  I take a piss and migrate towards the small gated window that is easy to see out of but difficult to see in.  

The guy I was hoping for was not taking the bite.  I walk back to my car.  

Again.  He is eyeing me but not making any moves. 

A few minutes go by and I go to the bathroom again. He has his eyes glue on me until I disappear behind closed doors. 

Again I wait.  I wait a bit longer. A White guy comes in. He's maybe in his 40s, kinda of husky and good looking. 

He looks toward the left at me as he stands by the toilet. I'm pissing at the urinal.  He finally lets out his piss as I finish.  I slowly put my cock into my pants.  He lets the few last drops fall and begins to stroke himself. I feel myself stiffening as he grows in his hands.  I pull mine back out.
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