
Stroke 13

 March 22, 2025
    Sat  8:55 AM

It's official. I just got my own designated Bate Towel.  I actually purchased two so that I can have an extra when one is dirty.  I also purchased some balm to go with it.  I’m looking forward to testing out my new merchandise.

Stroke 12

January 26, 2025
About 3pm 

It's about 3pm.  I'm at home bored while Boss is in the home office working.  Since my early morning stroke this morning from Stroke 11, I have been in somewhat of a horny mood.  

"Do I want to go out to That Park and get sucked?  Do I want to suck dick or do I just want to stay home and masturbate instead," I think to myself.

It has been quite some time when masturbation has been my main focus. 

I don't know what it is.  I am not sure if it's that I'm older now and my perspective on masturbation is different or if its that I am always so busy that bating has become more of a thing I do just to release so I can go on with my day in peace. 

I used to love masturbating.  I was never one to edge all day.  I never had the attention span for that. But I would stroke, beat my meat, maybe prance around in some sexy underwear in the mirror and really take in all the sexiness that was me.  And even though it wouldn't be an all day goon session, (maybe fifteen, twenty minutes; sometimes ten or five) it still was a great feeling. It would charge me up for seconds and even thirds.  

Although the sessions weren't long, I had a good amount of them throughout the day.  

Now it is more Wham! Got that out of the way.

Ever since Boss and I have been home more post pandemic, having the apartment to do the things I used to are very limited.

I figured since I was horny I would go out, cruise, and get my dick sucked since my privacy to have a
bate day is damn near non existent these days

About 3:15pm

I drive down the long parking street where the cars are.  I drive until I get to the parked cars near the restroom.

There is a good looking Latino guy maybe in his early 30s in his car eyeing me.  I get out of my car and venture towards the restroom.  I take a piss and migrate towards the small gated window that is easy to see out of but difficult to see in.  

The guy I was hoping for was not taking the bite.  I walk back to my car.  

Again.  He is eyeing me but not making any moves. 

A few minutes go by and I go to the bathroom again. He has his eyes glue on me until I disappear behind closed doors. 

Again I wait.  I wait a bit longer. A White guy comes in. He's maybe in his 40s, kinda of husky and good looking. 

He looks toward the left at me as he stands by the toilet. I'm pissing at the urinal.  He finally lets out his piss as I finish.  I slowly put my cock into my pants.  He lets the few last drops fall and begins to stroke himself. I feel myself stiffening as he grows in his hands.  I pull mine back out.
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Stroke 11


I Woke up to take a piss after which, I got on my iPad to listen to some music.  There's a song in my head I used to play called Spanish Vocoder by Meat Beat Manifesto.

Ear worms are the worst in the middle of the night after getting up to use the bathroom.  It is a sure sign that you will not be getting any sleep until your quest is satisfied.  And still; good luck even after.

I put on my earphones as not to wake the hubby. I played it at a low volume and closed my eyes.

"How does one come up with the name Meat Beat Manifesto?”

Don’t ask why I think of trivial shit like this so early in the morning.

“Google it!”

Meat beat.

“No. I don’t want a tool to tenderize my food!”

“Let’s go a little deeper.”

I went down the list under Meat Beat.  Mind you, I’m no longer searching the name of the group.  My distracted mind has now seen a Reddit post under the Meat Beat search and there begins my portal of endless dick pics and jack off videos.

The last few years, I’ve mainly gotten high off my own supply.  I find watching myself way more entertaining.  

This morning the exception was made.

I opened up the page; and topic after topic was one hairy penis getting stroked after another.  There was one White guy with a beard that caught my attention.  He had some burgundy briefs on and a black T shirt, lying back on a love seat with his legs spread open. This is just what I needed to get my juices stirring. 

I turned off my iPad and headed for the office bathroom. I stripped down to just my tighty whities and began to stroke myself inside my briefs.

I didn’t stroke to cum; Just enough for satisfaction. 
Time began to make my eyes heavy.  I didn’t need that extra endorphin release after all.  The distraction was a good one however.  I'm actually sleeping while I write this. 

Stroke 10

November 28, 2024

I knew there was a reason I kept that empty sparkling water bottle.  

If we’re being honest, sparkling water does nothing for me.  It is in no way my jam.  

I figured since I'm cutting down on my sodas, I’d try it as a substitute.  Well, it didn't satisfy my taste buds but the bottle was surely put to good use.


I squatted myself in front of the camera dressed in a black t-shirt, my signature black leather jacket and  white socks with red and blue stripes at the cuff.  I had my shades on with my black leather gloves in my tighty whities. 

I set the photo timer to get a few selfie shots standing and posing for the right moment.  Slowly I began rubbing between my legs; not just my dick, but my balls and taint as well.  I started to get hard. 

I decided not to take my dick out of my drawers.  Since I've been into ass play lately, I decided to focus on that area.

A few weeks ago I purchased a bottle of sparkling water.  After finishing it, I decided to wash it out and put it with my stash of toys.

I got the bottle out, laid on the ground with my legs open and looked for the entry to my hole.  I pushed and pushed until the material of my underwear would no longer allow.

I had made a distinguishable imprint in the underwear so that it was noticeable where I was pushing.  

Using a key from my keyring, I punched a small hole right in the center of the imprint.  With my fingers I widened the rip.  I grabbed the bottle and began to push.  The hole was not big enough.

I took my leather gloves off and replaced them with my black, disposable, nitrile gloves.

Again, I ripped the hole a bit wider.  I picked up some lube and the bottle.  I lubed up the neck of the bottle so that it was well oiled along with my gloved fingers.  I squatted down to the ground and greased up my fuck hole with plenty of white lube.

I sat down and began a slow bounce as the neck of the bottle invaded my anal canal.  

Eventually I laid back, spread my legs and pushed the neck in and out while on the ground spread eagle.  

I had enough.  It didn't last very long.  I am still very tight.  As a matter of fact I'm so tight you could hear the suction when the bottle popped out of my hole.  

This one was definitely a fun one.  I look forward to many bottle rides.  Whether someone pounds my pussy into next Wednesday is yet to be known.  But for now I am enjoying breaking my "fairly good condition" cherry in with assturbation.


November 24, 2024
Sunday 9:40am

I arrive at the hotel to get the last of my stuff before check out. I had gotten most of the stuff out the day before but I did have a few items in the hotel that I left; One of those being my E -Stim kit.

Yesterday I trained my throat.  Today I will be stimulating my other hole. 

I bring the E-Stim kit because I've tried it in the past and enjoyed the feeling.  

I try it in various locations but no place feels as good as when I use it on my asshole.  Therefore, I decide to revisit that location.

About 10:00am

It's a pretty sunny day for November.  It's not quite late enough in the day to feel its apricity, but the rays irradiate the room all the same.

I leave the black out curtains open for now but close the lace curtains so that I can enjoy the sunlight and still have some privacy. 

I turn the heater up so that it is warm enough for me to walk around either in my underwear or naked.  I strip down to my tighty whities and lay face down on the bed.  I feel myself getting aroused as I entertain the thought of my planned activities. 

As I begin to swell, I slowly grind my hips into the mattress. 

It feels alright, but a pillow would feel much better.  I gather two pillows, place them down lengthwise to my body, and climb on top.  My upper body relaxes against the top pillow as my hands grips the lower one pulling the soft material into my crotch area. I begin to fuck and hump.  

The underwear are much tighter. I am totally hard.  I decide to take off my drawers.  I get back to mounting the pillow with my bare body.  

I raise my hips up and lower them and up again.  At one point I raise my hips up and just keep them raised in the air with my hole exposed.  I stay that way as I spread my ass cheeks as wide as I possibly can. I lay there like a horny bottom waiting for a stud to take him. Although there is no one there to come behind me and give me a good ass pounding; my hole twitches as if there is. I begin to moan. I could almost feel it going deep inside me as I lay prostate on the bed.

I turn around and lay on my back.  I spread my legs wide. I place my middle finger in my mouth and suck and lick.  I get it nice and wet with my spit.  I push it in as I stroke my dick.  I stroke myself right to the edge as I feel my finger intruding my butthole.  

A few minutes later

I bring the E-Stim out.  Instead of using the big square electrodes, I use the long thin ones.  They fit better around my hole.  

One goes right above my hole, one below. One to the left of my hole and one right on top of my it.  

I turn it on. It is only at two right now.  I don't feel anything.  I turn it up: Three, four, five. 

I feel it pulsing, making my hole twitch like crazy.  I begin to moan.  I'm loving my hole being stimulated and worked. I cannot help but to moan as I feel the sensation taking control of my ass.  It is only a matter of time.

A flood of cum gushes out on my belly.  I lower my legs and relax my body as I come down for the assgasm.  I clean up the jizz with a washcloth and get ready for check out.


 November 23, 2024
 Saturday 8:00 AM

I got everything packed for my three to four hour get away from home.  Today is the day that I decide to rent a hotel just to get away for a few hours to enjoy some time to myself.  With the husband needing more attention due to some temporary ailments, three to four hours is pretty much the time that is allotted to me.  Maybe later I will go back to the hotel, but for now I will work with what I've got.


The husband is asleep right now.  I go into the office closet where I keep my duffle bags. I fill it up with goodies I use when I go to a hotel.  

There are two types of packing I do for my hotel getaways: I would either pack a bag of my BDSM gear such as restraints, toys etc. for the subs I play with or pack a lot of underwear and costumes when I'm by myself and want to take some sexy pictures and update my images.  

When I had much more time on my hands, I would totally raid the box of clothes I used on photo shoots when I shot Male Nude models. Now that I no longer shoot, I've taken claim on them for my own pleasure.

Cowboy shirts, cowboy hats, superhero costumes, sexy underwear and lingerie all make for interesting and fun concepts for a shoot whether with a model or by one's self. 

And then there is my signature wardrobe.  I call it my Daddywear.

Usually this would lead to a bate session so I also include some of my leather, lube, magic wand, and a Flesh Jack; not that I would use all of that; if any.
I just prefer to have it available in case I decide to go there.


I get to the hotel later than I wanted to due to a discrepancy on the price of another hotel.  I decide on the one a little further east.

I get into the room.  I immediately drop all my stuff right into the center of the hallway.  Worn out and thirsty from tugging along all the stuff I brought, I think to myself.

"Why do I always bring all this crap when I don't use half of it!"

I did bring more than necessary for just a few hours: A large duffle bag with my light, tripods, camcorder, my iPad another bag with my outfits and costumes and two additions that I normally don't bring: A dildo and my e-stim.

I decided to bring those because for the last few months I have been focusing on my hole. I have been working on training my hole to take dick; something that hasn't happened in a long time.  I have had a few recent times like two or three in the recent years, but they were very short moments due to not being able to handle someone being inside me for very long.  Needless to say I am a lightweight but it does feel good trying.

Even though I am 95% top there is that 5% that will always keep me craving the D. 

I started out two decades or so being much more versatile.  Though now, I'm mostly a top, I plan on staying as versatile as possible.

Around 11:00am

I get into the shower to get clean as I prepare for my time.  The water is warm and comfortable. I later up and wash my body, paying close attention to my genitals.  Slowly I rub the soapy cloth over my torso down lower to my crotch, gently caressing my dick, going down to my balls.

My cock is totally flaccid.

Whether I get an erection or not is not a big concern for me.  I am just enjoying the time I have to myself and the touch of the cloth cleaning my crotch.  The cloth goes lower and lower down to my taint.  This is the spot that gets me going.  I am still not hard but a moan comes out of me as the cloth discovers my lower region.  

I continue the path from my taint to my butthole.  Finally I reach around and rub.  I rinse, soap up once more, spread my cheeks and probe inside and out until my hole is soapy.  I rinse thoroughly.  I stand in the shower for a few minutes and let the warm water rush over me.

As I'm enjoying the shower, I feel a slight urge to pee. It is not a prominent urge.  I figure I might as well try since I'm in the shower anyway.  It takes a moment, but it finally comes out.  It is not a lot.  It is more like a trickled stream that last but a few seconds.  

Earlier I mentioned that I was not erect.  Well, I'm still not erect.  However my piss is thick with precum so there is no doubt I'm horny.  I have bated with my piss before which feels great but to stroke when piss is mixed with precum is a whole different level.  I stroke my pissy cum covered dick and it feels amazing.  I am still not hard but the feeling is sending me to the edge even without an erection.

I feel the electricity tingling all over my body.  I quickly cease.  I don't want to cum so soon.  

I get ready to exit the tub.  I grab the towel and begin to dry off. As I'm drying off, I feel a growing tumescence as I dry my crotch.  This is the first erection I had since I got to the hotel.  It is not a full erection; just a partial.  But it feels good all the same.

I finish drying off and migrate towards the bag with the clothes.  I feel in the mood to update my pictures.

"What do I want to start off with?"

I skip past the jockstraps.  

No tighty whiteys for now.  I try on the cowboy hat.  


I pause as I see the Batman mask and cape.  

"Maybe I'll be Batman and fight crime today," I giggle.

"Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea!"

There are numerous pairs of underwear that will go with the concept but I choose just the mask and cape.

I set up the tripod and iPad to get a few shots.  

I maneuver myself in various positions.  As the cape hits my body I feel the blood rushing between my legs again.

Maybe some of the physical  excitement is how the cape tickles my taint as it falls on my skin.  Some might be how I gyrate my groin onto the material up and down, on my back with my legs wide open.  Some of it may be the excitement of being in front of the camera.  I love seeing myself whether I'm fucking some hot stud, posing in front of the camera or stroking. I love to watch myself.  

It has nothing to do with vanity or being an exhibitionist because exhibitionist, I am not.  I am much more of a voyeur than anything.  I just love seeing myself express my sexuality in the most freeing way.  

I am fully up and stroking my cock now.  I am into the bate good but not lost in it nor do I really want to be.  I just want enough to bring me to that edge and stop.  I finally get there after stroking my shiny, well lubed, pulsing dick.


After taking a few minutes to bring me back down, I decide to move on.  After that build up, I'm looking not for the next costume, but for some item or toy I can bate with.

I'm horny but more as a receiver.  As I mentioned before, I have been working on training to be more versatile. 

One thing I usually do with all my subs is blindfold them or cover their eyes in some way when I train their throats.  Not always though.  Sometimes I just want those eyes looking up at me while I gag them down.  For the most part, however, I have them blindfolded.  This helps to take away visual distractions and focus more on being a hole.

I decide to do the same for myself.  I put on my well used "Hole" beanie.  I pull out my black dildo, pull the beanie over my eyes to block sight and begin to train my throat.  

I have been told that I am a good cocksucker. However, I want to work on my stamina and deep throating skills.

Since my last bronchial infection, my gag reflex has been lacking.  I begin to go down.  I am unable to reach my normal capacity due to my bronchial spasms.  However, having an object down my throat is just what I need to get me in the mood to be a good hole.

I suck and bob, bent over, legs spread, ass exposed going down on my black dildo in a spit roast position being the hole that I long to be. I begin to moan as I feel the cum oozing onto the bed sheets.

I feel the utmost relief.  I wipe the puddle up and lay back and catch my breath for a moment.


I pack up to go home.  I take mostly everything I brought but leave a few things.  I do this so I will have a definite reason to come back in the morning before check out.  I made a hole out of myself today.  I will see what tomorrow will bring.

Stroke 7

This last week September 15th - 22nd 2024

There have been times when I felt horny but I just couldn't get the opportunity to get into a satisfying bate session.  

Self pleasure just doesn't seem so pleasurable when preoccupied with dealing with family business of a sick loved one especially when they live on opposite ends of the state. Add getting a phone call from relatives every time I even unzip, family drama and just being in a state of depression.  Let’s not forget lack of privacy.  

Though I love my husband immensely, both of us working from home has lead to not having the freedom to roam around the apartment naked, have my sexy self portrait photo shoots, or video chat with a hot horny stud online.

One would ask, “Why not just do it when he is there?”

Because masturbation belongs to me.  It is my time. Something I don't have to share with anyone else unless I choose to.  It is my get away from all of the noise. A place to delve deep into self, fantasy and eroticism without focusing on any other energy but my own.

Every single day, every single time I came close to getting into a groove I was interrupted.  I just give up on this week altogether.